It's been said that only 'rats' desert a sinking ship! Does that mean then that United are deemed to be a sinking ship as the rats are departing in droves. From Sky Blues Sports perspective 'rats' like Wesley Gregg (why we would ever employ someone from scumland is beyond us)and Andy Smith have probably done us a favour. Gregg, we assume had some impact on team selection, which is at best has been 'baffling' and at worst 'insane'. As for Andy Smith, we at 'Sport can never forgive him for two penalty misses last season, firstly against the 'scum', when we were in the ascendency and then handed the initiative back to them and lost and against the Glens when they had given themselves a life-line and a goal for us would have clinched the win, Andy of course, missed again. Yes we doubt either will be missed and to Gregg's replacement Terry Moore we wish good luck, even though it won't be a hard act to follow.
Eamon Murray, who promised so much, but in the end delivered so little has 'hinted' all along that he was bound for Australia in the summer and not sure whether he was returning. It now has been rumoured that Lee Colligan is going with him or at least going to Australia in the summer at any rate, both Lee and Eamon have blossomed at United. Mikey, has been on the radar of quite a few clubs since coming to prominence in a Sky Blue shirt and we can't really be surprised if he wants to move on, but like the other two it was 'us' who gave him his chance, loyalty in football is poor. Albert, such a stalwart at United for the last 9 years may decide to move to Linfield and if he goes, he goes with our blessing, he owes us nought.
This means that United will have to build an almost completely new defence for next season and in some ways that may not be an entirely bad thing as we have leaked 51 goals so far this season and 9 of them in three games against Donegal Celtic, who currently occupy 11 place in the league standings. Will manager Walker and his assistant Terry Moore try out a new combination defence in the closing games starting tomorrow? Would it be an idea to try out Gavin Taggart as sweeper as he's quite happy at making back-passes (just our little joke). Maybe it's time for us to attempt to get our defence into a 'you shall not pass' mode as our forwards (3rd lowest scorers in the league), continue to pass up chance after chance.
United are crying out for a striker, Gary McCutcheon, who promised so much and delivered so little, 12 goals from 40 appearances, has been extremely disappointing and we need someone who, not only promises, but can, deliver the goods. If we have to 'pay' over the odds for this player, whoever he is, it will be money well spent. Six more goals in close game in which there were quite a few would have seen us safely into the top six, big games against the top teams, instead of the meaningless drivel we're now facing. Sky Blue Sport is not without it's 'rats' as Bruce Balmer has deserted the cause this week and we'll be relying on Rusty Ray for our match report. We're a day early with our preview, but we haven't got a clue who Roy and Terry are going to select anyway so it doesn't really matter. So come on Sky Blues, let's shag those Suffolk ewes!