Sky Blue Sport News

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Beautiful Dreamers!

As we approach our ‘fourth’ cup final, what are the chances of a victory we ask ourselves? Surprisingly, yes surprisingly, pretty good in our opinion. Let’s face it, Portadown without the backings of M.M.K., are a pretty ordinary lot and they’re missing a couple of players for tomorrow’s game also. Okay we hear you say, ‘one of them’s Jamie Marks and he was less than impressive as a Sky Blue. But there’s a subtle difference now, Jamie has realised if he don’t play, he don’t get paid and believe us, that makes a big difference. But enough about the Ports, what about the underperforming Sky Blues. United manager, Tommy, Wright! Wright! Wright!, says in this weeks Ballymena Times,  that we must get behind the team and then and only then we can go on and clinch a fourth spot in the league. Tommy, in our opinion (the one and only United web site still functioning or has there been another ‘rising’?), is putting the cart before the horse. Let’s get back to winning ways Tommy and then you’ll see the real Sky Blue support. We have suffered long and hard, through thick and thin (mostly thin), but we’re still here and ‘mugs’ that we are, we’ll probably still be here next season. So now it’s over to you big Tam, give us a good result tomorrow and we’ll cheer you all the way to the finishing line! Team news is, we don’t have a clue, but let’s try and guess anyway. United are trying a new formation tomorrow, Gary Smyth if fit, will partner Albert Watson and Kieran Donaghy in a back three, then it’ll be Scatesy, Haveron, Sweeney and Stuarty King in midfield, with the United talisman Rory Hamill playing behind a front two of Kevin Kelbie and Paul Brown. If this is the team for tomorrow, please contact Bruce Balmer and he will give the winning lottery numbers for the next five weeks. That’s is how fanciful this forecast is, but as usual all we gotta say is, ‘let’s shag those Apple Pickers!’